Witness to the light
St Andrew’s Day November 30 2017 John 1.29-42 St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem “Barbara Trapido’s first novel, published in 1982, was called Brother of the More Famous Jack, a book that redefined the coming-of-age novel.” This is how I began my sermon for St Andrew’s Day two years ago. I promised you then a …
The hope to which we are called
Christ the King: Last after Pentecost November 26 2017 Ezekiel 34.11-12, 15-24; Psalm 100; Ephesians 1.15-23; Matthew 25.31-46 St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem When I was a teenager, Matthew’s parable of the sheep and the goats was one of my favourite texts. I read it as a job description of what it means to …
Courageous and tender, gentle and brave
21st Sunday after Pentecost October 29 2017 Deuteronomy 34.1-12; Psalm 90.1-6, 12-14; 1 Thessalonians 2.1-8; Matthew 22.34-46 St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem For the last nine Sundays, we have been wandering through the book of Exodus like the Israelites in the wilderness. Now suddenly our lectionary fast-forwards through the Torah, skipping past Leviticus and …
A little child shall lead us
Christmas Day, December 25 2016 Isaiah 52.7-10; Hebrews 1.1-5; John 1.1-14 Rev Páraic Réamonn, St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem Who would think that what was needed to transform and save the earth might not be a plan or army, proud in purpose, proved in worth? Who would think, despite derision, that a child should …
Just say yes
Christmas Eve, December 24 2016 Genesis 18.1-21; Isaiah 9.2, 6-7; Luke 1.26-35, 38a; Luke 2.1-7; Matthew 2.1-12; John 1.1-14 Rev Páraic Réamonn, St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem No wind at the window, no knock on the door; no light from the lampstand, no foot on the floor; no dream born of tiredness, no ghost raised …
Why is there a conflict in Israel/Palestine?
December 5 2016 Nothing enlivens our faith so much as walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Nothing awakes our compassion so much as seeing how Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the land of Jesus today suffer as a consequence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem, …
The day and the hour
Advent Sunday, November 27 2016Isaiah 2.1-5; Psalm 122.1-9; Romans 13.11-14; Matthew 24.36-44Páraic Réamonn, St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem Welcome to Advent! In this season we look back, remembering the coming of Christ at Christmas and all that this means for us. But on this Sunday – Advent Sunday – we look forward, reminding ourselves …
Two masters
Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost, November 13 2016 Isaiah 65.17-25; Isaiah 12; 2 Thessalonians 3.6-13; Luke 21.5-19 Páraic Réamonn, St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem In Flanders fields the poppies grow between the crosses, row on row, that mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns …
Why is the Church of Scotland in Israel/Palestine?
October 25 2016 What follows is, more or less, what I said to the Presbytery of Edinburgh on October 4 and later repurposed, with appropriate tweaking, for the International Presbytery in Lausanne on October 8. My thanks to both presbyteries for their warm hospitality. Moderator, let me bring greetings from the Presbytery of Jerusalem. Not …
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Two kinds of people
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost, October 23 2016 Joel 2.23-32; 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18; Luke 18.9-14 Páraic Réamonn, St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew in the days of the second temple, calling his people to repentance and renewal. Luke the evangelist was a gentile Christian two generations later, writing his …